Zoom Phone Premise Peering: New Root Certificates beginning December 2023

Zoom Phone Premise Peering: New Root Certificates beginning December 2023

Migrating to DigiCert Global Root G2 and DigiCert TLS RSA4096 Root G5 beginning in December 2023

To maintain strict security standards, Zoom is transitioning its global infrastructure to certificates signed by DigiCert Global Root G2 and DigiCert TLS RSA4096 Root G5. This process is designed to ensure uninterrupted functionality of the services. For additional information, refer to Zoom Support.

anynode admins may need to install the new certificates, as Zoom will only present certificates signed with the new ones. To ensure anynode accepts these certificates, the root certificates must be present in the Trusted List in the anynode frontend. You can download these certificates directly from Zoom in the “New Root Certificates” section and then add them to anynode. In our video, we demonstrate how to do this in a few simple steps.



If you are installing a new version of anynode or continuing to use an older version, you will need to manually install the certificates. Further information on Zoom Phone Premise Peering with anynode – The Software SBC can be found here.

Screenshot: anynode frontend trusted peer certificates list with old DigiCert Root CA certificate and new DigiCert Global Root G2 / TLS RSA4096 Root G5 certificates.
Screenshot: anynode frontend with trusted peer certificates list with old DigiCert Root CA certificate and new DigiCert Global Root G2 / TLS RSA4096 Root G5 certificates.